
News from Sarah Painter

  • Beneath The Water is out!

    As I intimated earlier, this blog is now moribund. I have changed the name from ‘blog’ to ‘news’ to reflect the sporadic nature of my updates. If you want to keep up with my new releases, get behind-the-scenes information, and exclusive giveaways, I would love it if you joined my…


  • Beneath The Water Cover Reveal

    Hello, my lovelies. Well, it’s a been a while, hasn’t it? Blogging has rather fallen off my to-do list this year and, I’ll be quite honest, I’m not sure whether that situation will improve… I am thinking of renaming this section of the site ‘news’ or ‘what I’m working on…


  • New Book Deal! Huzzah!

    The contract is signed so I can finally reveal my news… I have a new book deal with Lake Union (the publisher of In The Light of What We See) and I couldn’t be happier! As I have mentioned before, the working title of the book is Beneath The Water…
