
News from Sarah Painter

  • The Garden of Magic Audio Book Cover Reveal!

    My goodness – March, already! I am blogging more infrequently than ever these days (sorry!) so if you want to keep up with the latest from me (and get the news before anybody else), please consider signing up for my mailing list. It really is the best way for us…


  • Yay – I Get To Be A Year Older! And Other Thoughts on Turning Forty

    No, that header is not sarcastic. Those of a cynical disposition who would prefer not read a soppy post, please look away now… I turn forty this month and I’m absolutely thrilled about it. For various personal reasons, I have always been aware of how lucky I am to be…


  • Happy December!

    Hello, my lovelies! As the more astute will have already noticed – it’s December. I know I say this every year, but I cannot believe how quickly the last twelve months have flown. It’s been a mix of a year (with plenty of bad stuff in the wider world, for…
