
News from Sarah Painter

  • Rewriting and Recovering

    Hello, my lovelies. After boasting that I had finished my latest book, rewrites appeared from my editor, and I had to re-open the document and get back to work. I was expecting edits, of course, but they coincided with a busy time personally (I help out with my the local…


  • Why Writing A Book Is Like Making Gravy

    Writing a book is like making gravy. I was making gravy last night (not as a random event, I was cooking dinner) and as I had my usual ‘is it thick enough?’ panic in the last few minutes before dishing-up time, I realised how similar the process was to writing…


  • The Power of Story

    It’s finished! Phew! Yes, I finally finished The Book Without An Ending (actual working title: Beneath The Water) and, let me tell you, it was a massive relief. As I write without a plan, there are always several ‘oh, bugger, what on earth is going to happen next?’ moments, but…
