
News from Sarah Painter

  • The 15 minute habit

    Ooh, this post  by Alice Bradley is good. Yes, it’s advice I’ve heard before, but put in a very compelling way. Also, I thought it might be timely… By this point in November, many of us are despairing of ever hitting our NaNoWriMo (or KazNo!) targets or may even have given up the…


  • Progress report. Ahem.

    It appears to be week three of November which means week three of KazNo (or, if you prefer, NaNoWriMo). I should be at around 21,000 words. I am not. Last week flew past in a blur of stressful work-stuff and last-minute suit shopping (just as much fun as it sounds)…


  • Scrivener for Windows

    It’s here! After many beta releases, Scrivener for Windows is ready! In case you aren’t aware, Scrivener is a software application aimed squarely at writers. I was truly smitten by Scrivener when Jennifer Crusie waxed lyrical about it on her blog, and even considered swapping to Mac to get my hands on it (seriously).…
