
News from Sarah Painter

  • Week one check in

    So, how has the first week of NaNoWriMo (or, in my case, KazNo) gone for you? Personally, I had a shaky start… I failed quite spectacularly for the first few days of the challenge and wrote absolutely nothing. I’ve started now, though, and thanks to a reasonably quiet weekend and an understanding…


  • Just dive in…

    I am procrastinating. It’s day three of November and I have yet to start KazNo. In other words, I am already 3000 words behind. Eep. Worse still, I haven’t even decided which project to work on. I’m tempted to start something new and flail about in first draft territory for…


  • It’s November so it must be time for…

    …KazNo! Ha. I bet you thought I was going to say NaNoWriMo, didn’t you? Well, this year I’m taking a new approach. Rather than failing at NaNoWriMo at the 30,000 word mark, I’m going to WIN at YA author Karen Mahoney’s Writing Challenge instead. Oh yes! Unlike NaNoWriMo, Kaz doesn’t…
