
News from Sarah Painter

  • Halloween nostalgia

    I love this time of year. I love the crisp, cold days, the autumn leaves, and the smell of wood smoke in the air. I love the way darkness falls quickly and resolutely, the cosy nights indoors and the promise of frost and snow to come. Yes, by January I…


  • In which I apologise

    Sorry for abandoning you. After a beautiful family wedding last weekend, I succumbed to a horrid chest infection that swallowed up my week in one snotty gulp. Nice. I’m beginning to feel almost human but am not up to a proper blog post. Instead, I give you this astounding routine…


  • Friday Five: The NaNoWriMo Edition

    Oh my, it’s that time of year again… Already! How did this happen? (This is a serious question. Answers on a postcard, please.) So, the gears are turning at NaNoWriMo HQ, preparing for another month of frenzied keyboard activity as thousands of people around the world attempt the improbable: 50,000…
