
News from Sarah Painter

  • Author Interview: Keris Stainton

    I’m very excited to introduce my very first author interview on the blog – YA author, journalist and blogger, Keris Stainton.   Me: The book is set in New York and one of the main characters is American, but it all rings absolutely true.  Did you do a lot of research…


  • Film News: Gods Behaving Badly

    I adored Marie Phillips’ Gods Behaving Badly. It’s funny, smart, satirical and has the clever and fully-realised kind of fantasy world that I dream of writing myself. Like Harry Potter or much of Neil Gaiman’s work, the book is set in our reality but with a twist. It’s a world…


  • In which I am a winner

    The wonderful Lucy March is running a six-week manuscript revision workshop this summer. As much as I coveted the workshop, as much as I knew it was perfect timing (why yes, I do have a completed manuscript that I’m trying to wrestle into shape at This Very Moment), and as much as…
