
News from Sarah Painter

  • Chasing the shiny

    I just read a fabulous blog post by Jennifer Crusie that has made me feel a great deal better about my scatter-brained, continually distracted work ‘method’. She describes cognitive disinhibition and how the inability to ‘stay on topic’ and the tendency to get distracted by – and the inclination to…


  • A good day in New York

    Last night, the New York State Senate passed the Marriage Equality Act. It offers same sex couples the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. *Gives NYC a high five* [Via Newsweek]


  • Book News: Jessie Hearts NYC by Keris Stainton

    Keris Stainton is a relatively new voice on the YA book scene (her debut, Della Says OMG, was published last year), but she writes with such an assured voice it’s hard to believe she hasn’t been doing this forever. Her second book, Jessie Hearts NYC is published on 7th July,…
