
News from Sarah Painter

  • Mulling things over

    Things have been quiet here on the blog and for that I can only apologise.I’m deep in the rewriting cave and consequently my brain is out-of-step with reality. The kids have to keep reminding me who they are (not really) and the level of cat hair in the house has…


  • Rewrite Hell

    So, I’m adding lots of new words (doing the 50,000 in fifty day challenge), but I’m also rewriting the stuff I’ve got, trying to corral the skittish scenes into a cohesive whole. As always, I’m wishing I had a different ‘process’ – one that was streamlined and efficient. I wish…


  • Sweet crochet village

    Look at these sweet little crochet houses. They’re available from Etsy (MonikaDesign), priced $35 (just over £20). You get six in the set; four little ones and two tall ones. You can use them as coasters and bookmarks, or stick up the whole lot as wall art. Want.
